The Right Joe

Dee's date orders hot cocoa. Dee ask if he avoids coffee after noon, but he just doesn't drink it. His mother calls and he decides to leave before they can chat.

BARISTA: Medium Soy Hot Cocoa

MAN (getting up from his seat) : Ah, that's me!

DEE, smirking : Too late for caffeine?

MAN: No- I just don't care for coffee.

DEE: oh.

Dee looks dejected.

The man gets his hot cocoa, which is in a to-go cup, at the counter. He reaches into his pocket. Dee contemplates her own mug of coffee.

MAN (answer his phone) : Hello, mother. No, I'm not doing anything important. I'm at the student center, so I could be there in 40.

MAN, to DEE : I have to leave- sorry. Let's do this another time.

DEE: uh ...sure?