Hello! My name is Mroo and I create!


Recently I participated in the 2024 Ebitengine Game Jam, a 2-week challenge to create a gamewith the theme "Building" using the Ebitengine (a game library for Go). My entry was Building Manager, in which you have recently inherited a 10-unit apartment building and address sometimes-surreal tenant requests. The game is available to play on itch.io or on this website! Leave me a comment if you enjoyed it -- hearing about it when folks enjoy my work makes my day :)

This Site

There is no guarantee of history on this site! Sometimes you will find games here, other times visual art, or something else. History (linear or otherwise) is a common feature on websites these days, but it doesn't interest me for this particular site. Enjoy the offerings while they're here!

In addition to not promising history, this site is written in simple HTML and CSS with no trackers. It is not intended to be a commercial site! Any embedded games will require some JavaScript, but for now that's the extent of that.